ESL- C Conference 2010

The 2010 keynote presentation, handouts and other presentations are
hyperlinked below the poster. Click on the title or handout number.

November 5, 2010 by Jeff Zwiers 
Jeff Zwiers'
handouts 12, 3

by Hetty Roessingh 

by Hetty Roessingh

Alberta Education K-12
Benchmarks Presentation
Kathy Salmon

**Please Check Back For Updates!**

**Early-Bird Registration Deadline is September 30, 2010**
Please click on the icons/links below:

 Possible Funding for the Conference (please click on links below):

The ATA Educational Trust

Please check your local ATA for conference funding (the link below will take you to a page with all the ATA locals.
Click on your ATA Local website to obtain more information on funding):

ATA Locals

For more information please contact:

Conference 2010 Co-Director: Allison Davies

Conference 2010 Co-Director: Elise Saraceni

Conference 2010 Co-Director: Bebe Vocong

Conference 2010 Co-Director: Marta Albertin

 This page was revised December 2010 by
Dianne Leong-Fortier, ESLC Webmaster